Wednesday, October 18, 2017

US Visa Lottery applications lost, must be resubmitted

All entries submitted to the U.S. Diversity Immigrant Visa Program, also known as the Green Card Lottery, between October 3rd and 10th have been lost due to a technical glitch.
Individuals who submitted applications during these dates are directed to reapply.
"Entries submitted during October 3-10 are not valid and have been excluded from the system; they will not count as a duplicate entry," a message on the U.S. State Department's website said. Read more:
Contact Darren Heyman, Las Vegas Immigration Attorney, for more information.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

3 Things You Need to Know About Getting a U.S. Tourist Visa

If you want to travel to the United States, you might need a visa. 

1. Interviews May Be Required

A person seeking a visa should prepare for an interview. Schedule an interview if you’re not 13 years old or younger. If a person is under 13, an interview is not usually required. People who are 80 or older don’t need to schedule an interview either.
But everyone in between will be required to have an interview.
Contact Darren Heyman, Las Vegas Immigration Attorney, for more information.

Monday, October 2, 2017

The Privilege of U.S. Citizenship

In 1991, the summer I turned 16, my family and I came to the United States seeking political asylum from the Soviet Union. We had about $600 among the five of us. Less than a month later, as we began to settle in Chicago, the USSR disintegrated and we found ourselves holding passports from a country that no longer existed.
That gives me a special reason to join other Americans in celebrating Citizenship Day on September 17. It marks the date in 1787 that the Founding Fathers signed the U.S. Constitution, but for me it is also a moment to remember my own path to U.S. citizenship and what being an American means, especially to the more than 750,000 people expected to become citizens this year. Read more:
Contact Darren Heyman, Las Vegas Immigration Attorney, for more information.

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